Why I created My Pet Rescue

Sadly, a few months after my grandfather died a stroke left my grandmother lying on the floor for almost five days unable to move or call for help before she was discovered.

She barely survived but it was heartbreaking for her to hear her pets calling and calling... one small voice disappearing and then the other One small voice disappearing
and then the other...
. There was nothing she could do. They perished for lack of water.

Could this have been avoided?

I began to think... with so many unfortunate circumstances which can leave us unable to communicate or get help to our pets how could I automatically notify someone I trusted to care for them?

The answer was to create a check-in service where you set your own schedule to let the service know you are well... and if you fail to check-in your designated contact would be notified. That led to other features such as a Pet Safety Card to keep your pet's safety with your wherever you are, a global lost pet registry, a phone app and more.

My Pet Rescue exists so you might never have to experience the loss of your pets if you are suddenly unable to care for them.

Got It!
Full coverage for €3 per month!

My Pet Rescue was created to save the lives of pets on a not for profit basis. Our pricing covers the cost of our website, servers, maintenance, support, backups and services such as SMS and email notifications.

We created this service as a result of an unfortunate event in the family in the hope this can be avoided for all pet owners.

This low monthy payment protects all your pets and any future pets from the day you sign up. There is no other pet protection service like this anywhere in the world.

Pausing your account...

When you pause your account all activity for your account ceases until you remove the pause.

If you have a monthly option any future billing will cease while your account is paused.

If you have an annual option your billing cycle will be extended for the months you keep your account paused. So, if you pause your account with say, 3 months remaining then those 3 months will be available when you resume you account.

If you have a lifetime option your services will cease as long as your account is paused7ū `esd3. This might be usefule if you find yourself between pets.


My Pet Rescue

We will be online February 1, 2025...

What would happen...

If you became unresponsive from an accident, medical emergency or natural disaster... who would know to care for your pets?

My Pet Rescue was created because of a sad event in our own family. Now you can have five entirely new ways to protect your pets in one complete package.

5 New Ways to protect your pets with our exclusive Pet Safety Card, Scheduled checkin monitoring, Pet Rescue Contacts, Secure Pet Tags and more...