Why I created My Pet Rescue

Sadly, a few months after my grandfather died a stroke left my grandmother lying on the floor for almost five days unable to move or call for help before she was discovered.

She barely survived but it was heartbreaking for her to hear her pets calling and calling... one small voice disappearing and then the other One small voice disappearing
and then the other...
. There was nothing she could do. They perished for lack of water.

Could this have been avoided?

I began to think... with so many unfortunate circumstances which can leave us unable to communicate or get help to our pets how could I automatically notify someone I trusted to care for them?

The answer was to create a check-in service where you set your own schedule to let the service know you are well... and if you fail to check-in your designated contact would be notified. That led to other features such as a Pet Safety Card to keep your pet's safety with your wherever you are, a global lost pet registry, a phone app and more.

My Pet Rescue exists so you might never have to experience the loss of your pets if you are suddenly unable to care for them.

Got It!
Vendor Demo Info (page not available)

Monthly $4.50

Our Monthly Plan bills you each month for full access to all features. Your renewal price is guaranteed and will never increase.

All your pets and future pets are fully covered with a single monthly payment.

You can Pause or cancel your account at any time.

Sign My Pets Up


Annually $40

Save over 25% with an annual subscription for full access to all features. Your renewal price is guaranteed and will never increase.

All your pets and future pets are fully covered with a single annual payment.

You can Pause or cancel your account at any time.

Sign My Pets Up
Pausing your account...

When you pause your account all activity for your account ceases until you remove the pause.

If you have a monthly option any future billing will cease while your account is paused.

If you have an annual option your billing cycle will be extended for the months you keep your account paused. So, if you pause your account with say, 3 months remaining then those 3 months will be available when you resume you account.

If you have a lifetime option your services will cease as long as your account is paused7ū `esd3. This might be usefule if you find yourself between pets.

Lost Pet Example Poster

My Pet Rescue

What would happen...

If you became unresponsive from an accident, medical emergency or natural disaster... who would know to care for your pets?

My Pet Rescue was created because of a sad event in our own family. Now you can have five entirely new ways to protect your pets in one complete package.

With My Pet Rescue if the unforeseeable should happen to you your pets will have the ultimate protection.

New ways to protect your pets in one complete service...

My Pet Rescue Card

Carrying this card adds a new dimension to pet protection should you experience a medical emergency, accident or any event preventing you from communicating with rescue personnel.

If something should happen to you first responders will look for your identity and finding this card will tell them how to immediately activate an alert to your personal Pet Rescue Contacts from any computer. It's instant and there are no costs to them and no language barriers.

If you are away from home whether on holiday or just shopping down the road your personal Pet Rescue Card can save the lives of your pets.

Safety for both you and your pet...

My Pet Rescue Check-in

When you activate Check-in we monitor each of your chosen days to see if you have checked in to notify us you are able to be with your pets and all is good!

Checking in is easy from any web browser or use our Pet Rescue phone app. You can change or suspend your schedule at any time.

If you fail to check in we begin to think you may be unable to care for your pets. We'll try to contact you but failing that your Pet Rescue Contacts will be notified to see if they can locate you or attend to your pets if necessary.

This could save your life as well if you've had a medical emergency and are unable to communicate or seek help.

Your Pet Rescue Contacts...

Pet Rescue Contacts...

This exclusive feature lets you nominate anyone such as friends, family, vet or even your local pet rescue center to become a Pet Rescue Contact.

When you nominate someone to be a Pet Rescue Contact they have the opportunity to accept or decline. If they agree to become a Pet Rescue Contact on your behalf they will be immediately alerted if you cannot check-in or if your Pet Rescue Card number is entered as an alert.

It can happen to any of us...
Medical Emergency

A medical emergency can leave you unable to tell anyone about your pets


If you are unable to get help who would know to attend to your pets

Sudden Disaster

Disaster responders can only save your pets if they know about them

Unexpected Delays

Unexpected delays can keep you from your pets and unable to communicate

Keeping your pet's safety with you...

My Pet Rescue App

Carry your pet's safety with you with our check-in app. it's as easy as clicking a button! monitors your schedule to see if you have notified us and all is good!

If you fail to check in we begin to think you may be unable to care for your pets. We'll try to contact you but failing that your Pet Rescue Contacts will be notified to see if they can locate you and attend to your pets if necessary.

With the app's settings you can change or suspend your schedule at any time.

To activate a Pet Rescue Alert push and hold the button until it turns red and you will be prompted to verify the alert.

SMS and Email notifications...

Notifications are instant to both you and your Pet Rescue Contacts with SMS messages and Email.

When you nominate a Pet Rescue Contact you each have the option to choose to be notified by an SMS message to a phone, by email or both.

If you activate our check-in service and fail to check in you'll receive a notification to respond in the next 30 minutes. If you fail to respond a Pet Rescue Alert will be sent to any of your Pet Rescue Contacts.

There are no charges for SMS or email notifications.

Our exclusive PetFound service...

PetFound tags* have no private information on them to avoid possible unwanted attention and someone finding your lost pet has immediate access to you worldwide at no expense to them.

The terrible uncertainty of what your lost pet is going through or if you will meet again stays with you.

PetFound dedicates a web page for your lost pet including a photo, medical information, contact details and optional reward and with the click of a button you can create a poster.

* Petfound tags are purchased separately from one of our recommended suppliers in small and large sizes.

Conventional pet protections have limits...

Pet Tag Security

Keep your phone number and address
private to avoid unwanted attention
Security is important!


Chip information must be kept current
A reader may not always be available
A finder may not make the effort

Wireless Locators

WIFI locators are short range
GPS locators are expensive,
bulky and need batteries

Our Global Lost Pet Registry... PetFound.org

Our Global Lost Pet Registry can help reunite you with your pets should they become lost. Even with well cared for pets, about 30% of cats and dogs will escape or go missing at least once in their lifetime.

Instant Lost Pet Posters

Each of your pets will have a profile you create that includes their photo, description, medical needs and optional reward information.

If your pet becomes lost it's only a matter of clicking a button to instantly create a Lost Pet Poster on our Pet Found website viewable anywhere in the world.

You can also print your poster for distribution in the area you pet went astray.

My Pet Rescue window placards for home...

Home Protection...

Fires and natural disasters such as floods and hurricanes can put your pets at risk if you are not there to see to their safety.

First Responders will try to rescue your pets but they can only do that if they know about them.

Pet Rescue Home Placards add more reliable protection to your pet's safety!

You can print and customise placards directly from your dashboard.

The Perfect Loving Gift!

We all love our pets and it doesn't get any better than giving a gift that is thoughtful and filled with love.

This special gift will bring a heartfelt smile to anyone and for $60 it's a two year membership for a savings of over 40%. We'll send an eCard to both you and your recipient announcing your gift with complete instructions for getting started.

Consider one for yourself... you and your pets deserve it!

Take a Look

How is it possible to have such a low price for all these services?

Full coverage is only $4.50 a month

... and that covers all your pets!

My Pet Rescue provides new and essential protection for all your pets and any future pets from the day you sign up. Your monthly subscription price is reserved for life and you are free to cancel at any time.

I created My Pet Rescue as a result of an unfortunate event in the family in the hope this can be avoided for all pet owners.

Our pricing covers the cost of our website, servers, maintenance, support, backups and services such as SMS and email notifications.

How many pets can I enter for this low price?

Well, how many pets do you have?

Assuming you don't have a herd of cattle you can enter as many as you like.

Most people have anywhere from 1 to 4 pets but some have as many as 20. You are free to enter as many pets as you have.

What is a Pet Rescue Card?

You will be able to print a Pet Rescue Card with your unique Pet Rescue ID on a simple cut and fold template. You should print several on card stock and carry one on your person as you would a driver's license and put others in your vehicle and luggage if travelling.

In the event of an accident or medical emergency first responders will attempt to discover your identity by first examining your wallet or purse. Finding the card will ask them to visit our website, click the Rescue button and enter the ID number on the card. This will result in issuing a Pet Rescue Alert to your Pet Rescue Contact(s) on your behalf.


Currently we do not issue plastic cards as they are costly with unique ID's, handling and shipping. Soon we expect to offer cards as an option. We'll notify you.

What is a Pet Rescue Alert?

A Pet Rescue Alert tells our system something may have occurred where you cannot attend to your pets. Alerts automatically inform your Pet Rescue Contacts your pets need help. There are many ways alerts can be activated.

A Pet Rescue Check-in alert will occur if you have set up a check-in schedule and fail to check. Once triggered we will attempt to contact you and failing that we'll alert your Pet Rescue Contacts.

You can activated an alert directly by using our app. You might do this if caught in a natural disaster, accident or even a medical emergency where you were still able to utilise the app.

Pet Rescue Alerts can also occur if you were unable to communicate because of an accident or medical emergency. First responders will use your Pet Rescue Card to visit our website and enter your Pet Rescue ID number on the card.

What is a Pet Rescue Contact?

They care for your pets in emergencies

A Pet Rescue Contact is someone you know and trust who is willing to care for your pets if something suddenly happens to you and a Pet Rescue Alert is activated on your behalf.

Obvious choices are friends or family but one of the most important considerations is distance to your home. Someone near you will have the least amount of inconvenience to reach your pets.

If you don't have anyone nearby you might consider asking your local animal shelter or your pet's veterinary service.

A verified contact would be automatically notified if a Pet Rescue Alert is issued on your behalf so they can attend to your pets.

Can I use My Pet Rescue as a contact?

My Pet Rescue is a unique notification service that could save your pet's life. In fact, it could even save your life. Our goal is to provide you with reliable, secure and easy to use tools for making sure your pets are as safe as possible.

Unfortunately we cannot directly attend to your pets.

To make our service affordable for everyone we've automated notifications so you can invite people you know, trust and can depend on to respond to a Pet Rescue Alert.

How many Pet Rescue Contacts can I invite?

Enter as many Pet Rescue Contacts as you like...

However, be aware... if a Pet Rescue Alert is issued on your behalf then ALL of your pet rescue contacts will be notified. This has the potential for creating confusion if everyone is responding at once.

We recommend you have two to three contacts with one selected as your primary contact who would be notified first. You can choose a primary contact in your admin panel when you enter their details. All other contact(s) would be notified if the primary does not acknowledge the alert.

How does someone become my Pet Rescue Contact?

To invite someone as a Pet Rescue Contact you simply enter and save their details. They will receive a trusted email with your name in the subject. It will explain the role of a Pet Rescue Contact and they can follow a link to accept or decline the request.

If they accept the request they remain in our database as verified and become active as one or your Pet Rescue Contacts

If they decline the request all the data you entered for them is removed from our database to protect their privacy.

You can add your local animal shelter as a Pet Rescue Contact but before you do you should visit them and explain how My Pet Rescue works to get their approval.

We are putting together an outreach program for animal shelters to invite them to participate in My Pet Rescue services.

What is the Pet Rescue Check-in Service?

Pet Rescue Check-in is a new and unique core service which can be used optionally as and when you need it. It works by allowing you to choose days of the week and a time you will check-in with My Pet Rescue.

If you live alone it is a relief to know if anything happens to you... from an accident, medical crisis or even a natural event such as a severe storm My Pet Rescue is there for you.

Checking in simply lets us know you have your pet's care in hand, even if you are just away for a weekend.

If you activate Pet Rescue Check-in and fail to check in we begin to worry something may have happened keeping you from attending to your pets. We'll attempt to reach you but after 30 minutes we'll send a Pet Rescue Alert to your Pet Rescue Contacts.

Is it true My Pet Rescue could actually save my life?

Yes... our Check-in service could save your life!

Living solo has become very common for all ages and having an accident or medical event at home leaving you unable to move or communicate would trigger a Pet Rescue Alert when using the check-in service.

In that case, your Pet Rescue Contact would discover your situation within hours and seek the proper help to assist you.

Why is a My Pet Rescue collar tag better?

Keep your information secure...

Most people who put a tag on their pet's collar use their own phone number and often their address. In today's environment that could put you at risk.

A tag with only your My Pet Rescue ID and our website does not expose any private information. It is much easier for anyone finding a lost pet to simply go to our website from anywhere in the world and notify you at no expense to them for a phone call and no language barriers.

Isn't it enough to have my pet microchipped?

We recommend microchips but alone they are not enough.

3 different standards of microchips are marketed in the United States alone and only one type is accepted worldwide. The right chip reader may not be available or it could simply be too inconvenient for someone to seek out a vet or animal shelter to read the chip.

Maintaining records for your chipped pet is easily overlooked if you move. My Pet Rescue provides redundancy for your pet's microchip number. It offers Vets and animal shelters an additional way of contacting a pet's owner through My Pet Rescue's website.

What else should I know about My Pet Rescue?

Well, there's the legal stuff...

We are not responsible for anything that may happen to your pets. Our service is subject to the stability of the internet, our service providers for connectivity and servers. These are things outside our control and if they become interrupted so will our service.

That said... we make every effort to use only the most reputable providers and maintain reliable full time service.

Regarding security...

We do not, under ANY circumstances reveal, sell or trade the personal information of our members. All interactions with My Pet Rescue are done through secure servers and connections.

What some are saying...

I'm 87 and I live with just my Scooter cat of 12 years and I no longer worry for her. My grandson set me up with this pet check-in app and he will be here if I don't check in.

Mary, Australia

My wife and I travel and we always bring along Ralph (our dog). Someone has to drive! With his pet rescue tag I feel a lot better that if he ever wanders off it will be easy for someone to help us get the rascal home.

Georgio, United Kingdom

I'm single and live with 5 rescue cats who own me. I have friends but they're not always in touch. I ride a motorcycle and if I get in an accident I've made sure it will be easy to find my pet rescue card to save my cats.

Ben, Ireland